One of the first questions I get when telling someone that I'm working from the road for 1-2 years is what am I gonna do for internet?
Luckily I'm pretty handy with computers and electronics plus my brother-in-law does computer networking. I have an Apple AirPort that I'm going to setup on an internal network in the RV. I've got a 4G NAS attached for video, photos and music running Plex to stream everything to the computers and tablets via Chromecasts on each of the 3 TV in the vehicle (living room, outside and bedroom). Watching content should be a breeze. We can get TV either over the air or if using cable when parked.
I looked at a satellite internet but for the cost everyone says it's not worth it. Plus you can't use it while the vehicle is in motion and I plan on working while Cathy drive to our next "home". I have a Verizon mifi from work and we are going to purchase another mifi from AT&T that the kids use for school and personal use.